Monday, March 16, 2009

Biblical Archeology

If you know me, you know that I have varied interest when it comes to Biblical Studies. One subject that I have been particularly interested in, as of late, is archeology. Before I share some links with you, I would like to point out a serious caveat when it comes to Biblical Archeology - it cannot and should not replace faith! While we may find traces of the Hittite empire and stones that have the names of some of the kings of Judah engraved on them, Archeology cannot prove that "God so loved the world." We must understand that Archeology can strengthen our faith in God's word, but it should not replace our faith in God's word.

With those things in mind I would love to share with you a couple links to web pages and three links to sermons/presentations dealing with biblical archeology. - as you can see from the name, this blog is hosted by Brother Ferrell Jenkins - Ferrell's Travel Blog. If you know him, you know that he is a well organized and thorough Bible student. His blog is one of the few that I check everyday due to the great pictures and information and its concise nature. His blogs typically deal with some issue of archeology or geography. Both subjects provide for a better background of understanding when it comes to Biblical studies. He has studied, written, and travelled extensively and is well qualified to comment on these things!

The next two links I offer with a disclaimer - I do not know the hosts and this reference is not an endorsement of everything put forth on these sites. However, both contain great pictures and lots of information.

I have found three mp3 files online of sermons dealing with archeology:

I hope you enjoy these links/audio files as much as I did. As I said before, your faith is YOURS, this is a subject that can truly strengthen it!

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